Tina Turner’s Melodies of Transformation

Join us as we pay tribute to the iconic Tina Turner, a champion of holistic wellness legend who openly shared her transformative journey through chanting. We’ll explore how chanting became her gateway to self-discovery, a deep connection with a higher power, and the resilience to overcome seemingly impossible situations. Discover the numerous benefits of chanting as we share practical tools and best practices from her book “Happiness Becomes You.” Finally, experience firsthand the transformative power of chanting through guided meditation. Tune in to honor Tina Turner’s life and embark on your own path of growth, healing, and resilience through the practice of chanting.

Sa Ta Na Ma Meditation:

  1. Bring your hands into Gyan Mudra by touching the tip of your index finger to the tip of your thumb while keeping the other three fingers extended.
  2. Close your eyes and focus your attention on the brow point (the space between your eyebrows).
  3. Begin chanting the sounds “Sa Ta Na Ma” along with your breath:
  • On the sound “Sa,” touch your thumb to your index finger.
  • On the sound “Ta,” touch your thumb to your middle finger.
  • On the sound “Na,” touch your thumb to your ring finger.
  • On the sound “Ma,” touch your thumb to your pinky finger. Repeat this sequence continuously throughout the meditation.

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